
Sunday Jul 04, 2021
Discover Jesus in Matthew - 5. Who is Jesus?
Sunday Jul 04, 2021
Sunday Jul 04, 2021
Dan and Laurence get to the heart of the matter in episode 5 of our series on Matthew's Gospel. They set out to answer the question: "Who is Jesus?" by focusing on Matthew 16, where the disciple Peter declares what he thinks. In the space of just a few verses, four different phrases to describe Jesus emerge and they explore the meaning of each of them in turn. Join Dan and Laurence as they put the pieces together to arrive at a full answer to "Who is Jesus?"

Sunday Jun 20, 2021
The Book of Revelation - 1. Foundations
Sunday Jun 20, 2021
Sunday Jun 20, 2021
Our first anniversary seems like a good time to start a new series! Paul and Dan are tackling the Book of Revelation together. It's mysterious and confusing, but Paul and Dan start by putting it in its place in the Biblical story - right at the transition from the Apostles to the next generation who are taking the early churches forward into ... whatever comes next! They lay the foundations by establishing what kind of book it is and defining an approach which aims to hear the text as it would have been heard by the churches of Asia to whom it was first read. Join us in listening to the message of this amazing piece of literature!

Sunday May 30, 2021
The Believer and Community
Sunday May 30, 2021
Sunday May 30, 2021
A bit of a change of focus for this episode as Josh talks to Kat about an aspect of faith in the modern world, faith in real life situations, in the here and now. They reflect on what it means to be a believer as part of a community, and specifically, their experience of how believing communities adapted to the pandemic and what they may have learned as we head into a 'new normal'.

Sunday May 16, 2021
Discover Jesus in Matthew - 4. The Kingdom of Heaven
Sunday May 16, 2021
Sunday May 16, 2021
Laurence and Dan pick up where they left off in Matthew's Gospel by exploring why Matthew uses the phrase: "the Kingdom of Heaven" so often. When Jesus says "the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!" what kind of kingdom is he talking about? Is heaven a location or something else? Dan and Laurence discover that the kingdom concept is deeply rooted in the message of Israel's ancient prophets while also carrying a timeless call to action. Intrigued? Listen on... a slightly longer episode than usual, but hey... it's about the Kingdom of Heaven!!

Sunday May 02, 2021
Sunday May 02, 2021
Sunday May 02, 2021
What is a soul? Can it be destroyed? Where does it come from and where does it go? In this episode Laurence and Paul get underneath the biblical meaning of 'soul' and they find that the Hebrew and Greek words for soul reveal something quite unexpected. Oh and there may be a few musical references...